Reported out of the closed meeting. Sarnia City Council met in closed session to discuss the following matters:
- Direction to staff regarding the proposed sale of municipal property formerly used as a sludge lagoon.
- Direction to staff in response to advice pertaining to potential litigation that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.
- Direction to staff regarding instructions to be applied to negotiations regarding an agreement affecting the Progressive Auto Sales Arena.
- Direction to staff regarding negotiations with respect to the naming of municipal facilities.
- Direction to staff regarding a matter involving potential litigation affecting the municipality.
Heard the following delegations:
- Georges Guerette regarding noise level distracting drivers;
- Bill Miller regarding shoreline protection and directed staff to prepare a plan for protection in advance of 2020 budget planning;
- Donald Craig regarding sidewalk repairs, catch basin maintenance, and plastic ban; and
- Lawrie Lachapelle regarding development approvals.
Approved the following financial commitments:
- The proposal submitted by Emergency Management & Training Inc. in the amount of $60,796 (including non-rebateable HST), for development of a new Fire Rescue Service Master Plan;
- The purchase of a Winscribe transcription system, to replace the Sarnia Police Service’s current dictation system which has reached end-of-life, from Nuance Communications Canada Inc. at a quoted cost of $54,141 US funds, estimated at $74,000 CDN (including exchange rate and non-rebatable HST);
- The purchase of Network Switches and Related Wireless Infrastructure at Sarnia Police Service at a cost of $100,871 (including non-rebatable HST) from Dell Canada Inc.;
- The tender submitted by ISN Canada in the amount of $225,240 (including non-rebateable HST), for the civil works, supply and installation of a bus lift at Sarnia Transit;
- The quote by Royal Fence Limited in the amount of $111,794 (including non-rebateable HST), for as-required guiderail maintenance and repair services throughout the City for a two year period;
- The quote by Veolia ES Canada in the amount of $233,218 (including non-rebateable HST), for vacuum truck, high pressure cleaning truck and hauling services; and the quote by Stewart Saul Services in the amount of $238,805 (including non-rebateable HST), to provide backup vacuum truck services in the event that Veolia ES Canada is not able to respond; and
- The tender by Cope Construction and
Contracting in the amount of $278,414 (including non-rebateable HST), for
required construction of a trail from the Howard Watson Trail to Lambton
College along the north side of the D4C Drain (north side of College Park
- This trail will support the City’s active transportation plan and the growth of Lambton College by connecting a well-used multi-use trail to the college grounds.
Directed staff to report back on alternatives to proceed with Council strategic planning.
Declared a piece of land on Murphy Road between Cardiff Drive and Confederation Street as surplus and authorized the sale of the land to the owners of 1097 Laurier Crescent for $1.00 per square foot.
Amended the Reserves & Reserve Fund Policy to align with the Capital Policy.
Passed an updated By-Law to amend the Transit Special Service Area to remove a number of properties not within the Transit Special Service Area.
Approved general housekeeping amendments to the Traffic and Parking By-Law.
Directed staff to report to Council on draft community standards and a licensing framework for short-term rental accommodations.
- Short-term rental accommodations program will be reviewed as an early stage of the community development standards update.
Tabled a draft traditional territory acknowledgement for 60 days.
Declared lands on the east side of Huron Shores Court as surplus and authorized the sale of these lands to the owner of abutting lands at 2199 Lakeshore Road for $1.00.
Directed staff to prepare a report on the possibility of free parking at Victoria Street Lot as part of the 2020 budget process.
Directed staff to work with Sarnia Police Services to issue a report back to Council on the possibility of lowering the speed limits in residential neighbourhoods, with a particular emphasis on school zones.
- Directed staff to investigate the use of photo radar in identified school safety zone areas and further consult with Sarnia Police Services regarding school safety zones and the protocol for creating community safety zones.
Endorsed the referral to County Council for a report on the viability of creating a local joint body “jobs task force” to develop options to further assist with employment levels in Sarnia and all of Lambton County.
Directed staff to investigate simplifying the 50/50 fundraising process.
Directed staff to prepare a report on the City of Sarnia becoming a “Narcan Ready Community.”
Thanked Tourism Sarnia-Lambton and other parties involved in the success of the 2019 Tall Ships Celebration and acknowledged the work of Rob Harwood, Director of Parks and Recreation, and contributing staff.
Supported the request from the Township of Warwick regarding enforcement of safety on Ontario’s family farms.
Supported the request from the Town of St. Marys regarding federal funding for VIA Rail Canada.
Directed staff to bring back a report on options for reviewing the City of Sarnia Urban Growth Boundary for development.
Approved the amended Business Licensing By-Law.
- Scrap metal dealers must obtain a Second-Hand Goods License beginning January 2020. It is intended that licensing will be transferred from Sarnia Police Services to City of Sarnia Customer Service.
Granted final approval to Phase 1 of the Draft Plan of Subdivision at Upper Canada Drive which includes 22 semi-detached residential lots and block for future development.
Granted final approval to Phase 1 of the Draft Plan of Subdivision at the northwest corner of Michigan Avenue and Modeland Road which includes 20 single-detached residential lots and blocks for open space, commercial and townhouse developments.
The next Regular Council Meeting will be held at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, September 30, 2019.