Wyoming, ON – At its regular meeting Wednesday, May 1, 2019, Lambton County Council:
- Heard an update presentation from the Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership regarding the organization’s pursuit of streamlined governance and improved accountability.
- Received a report denoting Councillor Bill Dennis (Sarnia), Councillor Frank Nemcek, and Councillor Larry Wagner (Oil Springs) as their respective municipality’s Alternate Member of Lambton County Council.
- Accepted changes, recommended by an Ad Hoc Committee of Council, to the County’s Councillor Code of Conduct and Integrity Commissioner By-Law.
- Directed staff to work with the City of Sarnia to develop a mutual agreement to transfer ownership and responsibility of the decontamination unit to the Sarnia Fire Services Department with the understanding the unit remains available for the County’s use.
- Expressed its concern about the Province’s initiative to re-align Public Health Units into 10 administrative regions and directed staff to continue with efforts to have MPPs Bob Bailey (Sarnia-Lambton) and Monte McNaughton (Lambton-Kent-Middlesex) attend an upcoming special meeting of Council to speak to the changes.
- Approved an Open Data Policy for the County.
- Approved the County’s Tax Policy for 2019.
- Noted that Council will next meet in Open Session at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, June 5, 2019.