* The 2019 Water and Sewer charge schedule is effective January 15, 2019.

Billing & Payment – Managed by Bluewater Power

Bluewater Power Logo

Meter reading, billing and payment collection of the City’s water and sewer charge is managed by Bluewater Power Distribution. Bluewater Power issues invoices for both water and hydro usage on the same bill. For more information about, or to contact Bluewater Power please call 519-337-8201 or visit their website at  www.bluewaterpower.com.

Water Distribution Charge

The monthly water distribution charge is collected to fund the fixed costs of operating the water system. The cubic meter rate is collected to fund the variable costs of operating the water system.

Funds generated through the water rates are used to cover the costs to operate and maintain the City’s water distribution system in order that water acquired through the Lambton Area Water Supply System (LAWSS) is provided to municipal ratepayers.

Meter SizeDistribution Charge
Distribution Charge
1 1/2″186.17193.627.45
Water Consumption

Water Consumption


Sewer Charge

Funds generated through the sewer charge are used to cover the costs to operate and maintain the City’s sanitary sewage system including the sewage treatment plant.  

Anyone who does not have access to the municipal sanitary sewer system and are being charged a sewer charge may apply to the City for an exemption from the sewer charge.

Sewer Surcharge (%) *
Sewer Surcharge (%) *

* The sewer surcharge is calculated on your total water bill (distribution + consumption)

Flat Rates

Water users not connected to a meter shall be charged in accordance with the sizing of the water metering device for a similar user as outlined in the chart above.  Consumption shall be estimated by taking the prior year’s average monthly consumption of all consumers with similar sized meters.  The estimate shall be prorated for the number of days each month.

What Your Rates Pay For

The City of Sarnia is committed to supplying consumers with safe drinking water by maintaining strict adherence to all applicable legislative and regulatory requirements. The City’s objective in establishing the water and sewer rates is to adequately cover operating, maintenance, and rehabilitation and/or replacement costs of the City’s water distribution, sanitary, and storm sewer systems and facilities. This is crucial to delivering our commitment to the citizens of the City of Sarnia today, and in the future. For water & sewer inquiries call 519-332-0330.

Leaks Cost You Money

Tap with Water Drip

A continuous water leak will result in significant water consumption and unnecessary water and sewer charges. Please ensure that your toilet does not run continuously or that you do not have any other water running unnecessarily. 

Water Conservation Tips

  • fix your leaks
  • harvest rainwater
  • take shorter showers
  • choose efficient fixtures
  • turn off the tap while brushing your teeth
  • water your lawn sparingly and don’t over fertilize

Please remember to keep the area around your water meter clear of obstructions such as brush, flower pots, and vehicles.

If you would like the documents below in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 519-332-0330 extension 3307 or access@sarnia.ca 

Water Financial Plan

The Water Financial Plan has been prepared in accordance with Ontario Regulation 453/07 and is a component of the City of Sarnia’s Municipal Drinking Water Licence renewal under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002.  The Water Financial Plan is available below; additionally, a print copy can be obtained from Customer Service at City Hall.

2019 Water Financial Plan

Historical Water & Sewer Rates

2018 Water and Sewer Rates
2017 Water and Sewer Rates
2016 Water and Sewer Rates
2015 Water and Sewer Rates
2014 Water and Sewer Rates
2013 Water and Sewer Rates
2012 Water and Sewer Rates
2011 Water and Sewer Rates