Dog Licencing
Dog owners in the City of Sarnia are required to licence their dogs, over the age of 6 months, annually in accordance with Regulation of Dogs and Cats By-Law.
Barking Dogs
Persistent barking is not permitted at any time.
When a complaint is received about persistent barking, the complainant is encouraged to communicate with the owner of the dog. If that fails to produce satisfactory results, the By-law Enforcement Officer will speak to the owner of the dog and if that does not improve the situation, the By-law Enforcement Officer, with written evidence will issue a Provincial Offence ticket to the owner of the barking dog or assist the complainant to lay charges, which will necessitate a court appearance by the complainant.
Running at Large
Dogs must be on-leash at all times when off their property.
Dogs running at large may result in the owner being charged and/or the dog being impounded.
Dogs on Public Beaches
Dogs are not permitted on Public Beaches in accordance with the Public Parks By-Law.
Pit Bull Ban
Under the Dog Owners’ Liability Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. D. 16, pit bulls are restricted in the Province of Ontario. Further information is highlighted in the Pit Bulls – Ban and Related Controls Section of the Act found in the document below.
Animal Waste
Every owner of a dog shall immediately remove excrement left by the dog and dispose of it in a sanitary manner.
Cat owners in the City of Sarnia are NOT required to licence their cats. Cat owners are required to comply with the Regulation of Dogs and Cats By-Law.
Keeping of Cats
No person shall keep more than 2 cats per adult on the premises.
Running at Large
No person shall allow a cat to run at large.
Nuisance Cats
A property owner or occupier is permitted to trap any cat found trespassing on its property in a humane portable container. The cat must be kept safe by providing adequate food, water and shelter appropriate to the weather conditions for the cat.
Any person who has trapped a cat must report it to the City’s By-law Enforcement Officers, who will pick up the cat in the portable container. Cats will be picked up only when confined in humane, secure containers and the property owner must be on the premises when the cat is picked up. Cats will be taken to the Humane Society.
The City of Sarnia has traps available for use for a refundable deposit of $30.00.
Animal Waste
Every owner of a cat shall immediately remove excrement left by the cat and dispose of it in a sanitary manner.