- The OLG is responsible for conduct and manage, and works with the OCGA and Operator of the Gaming Site
- The Municipality determines eligibility and monitors use of proceeds that give back to the local community
- Funds transferred electronically into the charities bank account each month based on the number of assignments attended
- One of the best fundraising opportunities per volunteer hour
- The OLG is responsible for conduct and manage, and works with the OCGA and Operator of the Gaming Site
Role of Volunteers:
(Training is provided (approximately an hour))
- Are in the gaming centre contributing to customer service
- Assist gaming centre staff
- Customer Service
- Calling back Bingo wins
- New Player ambassadors
- Help keep environment tidy
- Do not sell any gaming product
- Do not handle Cash
- Do not need to be bingo experts
- Do not have to do any game reports
- Promote awareness of their charity
- Required Dress Code
Role of Charities:
Apply to the City of Sarnia for Permit (licence)
- No fees
- Must use funds for direct community benefit
- Monthly Report on use of approved proceeds
- Provide volunteers based on dates/times provided in the schedule
- Only two Volunteers required
- Two-hour assignments (approx.) – not session based
- Pool of 6-10 volunteers is ideal
- Support and Promote the partnership with the centre
- Participation Requirements
Process if interested:
- Eligibility for Charitable Organizations – Contact City of Sarnia
- Complete requests for additional paperwork / application process
- Apply for Permit – City of Sarnia
- Placement in Gaming Centre Association / Location
- New separate bank account required (cGaming funds only)
- Receive a schedule for volunteer assignments
- Receive, read and agree to Policies and Standards
- Send volunteers to training (sessions are provided regularly)
- Schedule volunteers
- Use funds on approved community programs and services
- Monthly report on use of funds to City of Sarnia
- Bank reconciliation with substantiation
- Reports can be sent electronically to cgaming@sarnia.ca
For further information, please contact Customer Service at 519-332-0330 Extension 3350 or customerservice@sarnia.ca