Goal of this guide

This guide serves as an introduction to accessible documents. The content provides a basic understanding of how to make Microsoft (MS) Word documents accessible. Instructions listed in the guide are for MS Word version 2016. The checkpoints listed in this guide are generally transferable to other document creation and graphic design software. The checkpoints apply to information communicated in emails, reports, advertising, signage, program guides, info-graphics and websites.

As part of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), the City of Sarnia is obligated to:

“(5) Except where meeting the requirement is not practicable, this section applies, to websites and web content, including web-based applications, that an organization controls directly or through a contractual relationship that allows for modification of the product; and to web content published on a website after January 1, 2012.”

Any third part organization/contractor must provide any documents in accessible format as per the City of Sarnia Procurement Policy and the Accessible Website Policy:

“Any documents or correspondence that is provided to the City of Sarnia, through the execution of the contract shall be in such format that meets the AODA standards.”

Please see the attach Guide to Accessible Documents for more information. If there are any questions, please contact the City of Sarnia’s Accessibility Coordinator at 519-332-0330 ext. 3307 or dale.mosley@sarnia.ca.