The City of Sarnia has prepared an Asset Management Plan for its core infrastructure services including water, wastewater, roads, and bridges. The Plan is intended to provide a comprehensive reference for the construction, operation, maintenance, rehabilitation, disposal, and replacement of the City’s core infrastructure assets. The Plan was developed based on currently available data and information related to core infrastructure assets, as well as the guidelines specified in the Province of Ontario Ministry of Infrastructure’s Building Together Guide for Municipal Asset Management Plans. The Plan is a living document that will require continuous updates and improvements over time in conjunction with the City’s ongoing data collection programs, as well as applicable legislated requirements and deadlines.
The City of Sarnia has prepared a Strategic Corporate Asset Management Policy as required by Ontario Regulation 588/17: Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure (O.Reg 588/17). The purpose of the Strategic Corporate Asset Management Policy is to formally document the Corporation of the City of Sarnia’s commitment as a municipality, not only to O.Reg 588/17, but to responsible asset management as a whole. The goals, policy statement, and guiding principles detailed in the Policy document shall frame all Corporate Asset Management decisions and initiatives undertaken by the City of Sarnia with respect to municipal services and assets. The Strategic Corporate Asset Management Policy was approved by Sarnia City Council at the June 17, 2019 regular council meeting.
For more information please contact: Engineering Department
519-332-0330 extension 3277