The City of Sarnia, March of Dimes Canada, and the Lambton College Recreation Therapy Program invite the public to the 2019 Accessibility Summit on October 29, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Lambton College Event Centre.
The Accessibility Summit will focus on local successes and progress made to advance accessibility, as well as future accessibility goals. The City of Sarnia has an aging population and improving accessibility will have positive impacts for older cohorts of our population. The summit will include speakers that will educate and inform about the importance of an inclusive, adaptive, and accessible future.
This event is free to the public and refreshments will be provided. Limited seating is available. For those interested in sponsorship opportunities, please contact the City of Sarnia Accessibility Coordinator at 519-332-0330 ext. 3307 or
Please RSVP for this event at