Reported out of the closed meeting. Sarnia City Council met in closed session to discuss the following matters:

  • The proposed purchase of land by the City for the purpose of a transit terminal. No votes were taken other than to give direction to staff to investigate the availability of a property for purchase.
  • Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege with respect to a proposed development in the City of Sarnia. No votes were taken.
  • A matter involving litigation or potential litigation regarding a planning matter. No votes were taken other than to give direction to staff to work with the applicants in pursuit of a resolution and report back on the appeal in September with respect to Minor Variance Application A24/19 – 5827 Telfer Road.
  • A matter involving litigation or potential litigation regarding a planning matter. No votes were taken other than to give direction to staff to withdraw the appeal for Minor Variance Application A23/19 – 1621 McMillen Parkway West.

Heard the following delegations:

  1. Julie Schroeder – Sarnia Area Environmental Health Project;
  2. Paul Moulton – Downtown Parking;
  3. Terri O’Brien – Downtown Parking;
  4. Dave Mandeville – Kaymar Crescent Traffic Calming Measures;
  5. Ky Nahmabin, Spectrum Community Action Committee – Rainbow Crosswalk Proposal;
  6. Kelly Wilson – Rainbow Crosswalk Proposal;
  7. Andrew Thomas – Rainbow Crosswalk Proposal;
  8. Margaret Capes – Rainbow Crosswalk Proposal; and
  9. AECOM – Sarnia Sewer Upgrade Project: Replacement of Bedford Pumping Station.

Directed staff to implement back-in angle parking on the west side of Front Street between George Street and Cromwell Street.

  • An additional 15-20 parking spots can be created along the west side of Front Street between George Street and Cromwell Street by converting existing parallel parking spots into back-in angle parking.

Directed staff to take no further action related to traffic calming on Kaymar Crescent or at the Bright’s Grove Plaza.

Approved the five year lease agreement commencing July 8, 2019 between the City of Sarnia and the Sarnia Lawn Bowling Club for City-owned facilities and bowling greens at Germain Park.

Approved the 2018 final audited consolidated financial statements of the Corporation of the City of Sarnia and the trust fund financial statements of The Corporation of the City of Sarnia.

Accepted the proposal by the Wood Group, as the single source consultant, for engineering services for the reconstruction of the Vidal Street Walkway in the amount of $123,688 (including non-rebateable HST).

  • The bridge will no longer serve pedestrians but will serve as a utility corridor for gas, water, and telecommunications for industry to the south. Utility companies will cover two-thirds of the cost; the City will be one-third or $42,229.

Amended the Traffic and Parking By-Law to institute “No Parking Anytime” on both sides of Michigan Avenue from Colborne Road to Errol Road. The new three-lane cross section will continue east of Colborne Road.

  • There will be no bike lanes east of Colborne Road, but on-street parking will be removed to facilitate with the lane changes.

Approved the procurement practice of standby street winter maintenance support services.

  • Six units will be on standby to provide service during significant weather events. Contractors will be paid an annual fee for this service.

Directed staff to issue a RFP for a service delivery review and delegated authority to award the RFP for the service delivery review to the Chief Administrative Officer, in consultation with the Mayor.

  • The Minister of Municipal Affairs announced an Audit and Accountability Fund to allow large municipalities to line-by-line reviews of their operations, led by independent third-party consultants.

Authorized the amended Agreement of Purchase and Sale to complete the sale of approximately five acres of land in the Sarnia Business and Research Park to Creative Education of Canada Inc.

Approved in principle amendments to the Business Licensing By-Law that would exempt scrap metal dealers from a 30-day holding period for old metal and other scrap material and salvage.

  • The Business Licensing By-Law allows the City to license scrap metal dealers in a similar fashion to pawnbrokers, with requirements to keep a register of those selling scrap metal and to submit the details to the police on a regular basis.

Approved a RFP inviting qualified vendors to provide proposal submissions for the development of a Fire Master Plan. Fire Master Plans review all aspects of the department in order to ensure that performance standards and guidelines reflect industry best practices and are in compliance with the Fire Protection and Prevention Act (1997) and its regulations.

  • Rescinded Council Resolution of March 25, 2019 which stated “That Sarnia City Council approves the current location at 1133 Colborne Road for a new fire station build and demolition,” pending analysis of the results from the station location study undertaken as part of the Fire Master Planning process.

Accepted the proposal by Bluewater Power, as the sole source consultant, for engineering services to complete the engineering and design for areas of concern along the Oversized Load Corridor route for $152,432 (including non-rebateable HST).

  • The original estimate in the 2016 report did not include the full scope of work to complete a fulsome engineering estimate.
  • Bluewater Power has advised that the electrical standards in regard to pole strength, guying and underground installation have changed significantly since 2016.

Accepted the tender submitted by Sevcon Paving in the amount of $2,254,434 (including non-rebateable HST), for the asphalt resurfacing on the following roadway sections:

  • Echo Road;
  • Telfer Road (Lakeshore Road to 100 Metres South of Blackwell Road);
  • Waterworks Road (city boundary to Churchill);
  • Waterworks Road (Churchill to Confederation Line);
  • Waterworks Road (Confederation Line to London Line); and
  • Michigan Line (Mandaumin Road to Waterworks Road).

Accepted the tender by Cope Construction & Contracting Inc. in the amount of $114,569 (including non-rebateable HST), for the installation of a watermain loop under Indian Road to permit maintenance planning and water quality management.

Accepted the tender submitted by Bullock Roofing in the amount of $450,797 (including non-rebateable HST), for replacement of the roofs at City Hall and the Lochiel Kiwanis Centre Gymnasium, with the understanding the project will not be completed until 2020.

Approved the City contribution of $145,010 (including non-rebateable HST), for the oversizing of the storm sewer installation by 30Rock Developments Associates subdivision.

  • The storm sewer for the development can be oversized to accommodate the future extension of The Rapids Parkway and collaborating with the development project provides a significant overall cost savings.

Directed staff to investigate the opportunity to add a designated dog friendly area to a Sarnia & Bright’s Grove beach.

Approved the request by Spectrum to install a rainbow crosswalk at the west side of the intersection of Lochiel and Christina Streets, and that the cost of the installation be paid by donations, through the efforts of the Spectrum youth.

Directed staff to create a zero waste guide for festival organizers.     

Reported out youth appointments to the following boards and committees: Environmental Advisory Committee, Transit Accessibility Advisory Committee, Sarnia Accessibility Advisory Committee, and Bluewater Trails Committee.

The next Regular Council Meeting will be held at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, August 12, 2019 at the Call of the Chair, only if required.