Reported out of the closed meeting. The following items were discussed:

  • Citizen appointments to the Sarnia Heritage Committee. No votes were taken other than to give direction to staff regarding the composition of the committee and make the new appointments public at the next regular meeting of Council.
  • A proposed acquisition of land by the municipality. NO votes were taken other than to give direction to staff to investigate the availability of a particular property for purchase.
  • A verbal staffing update from the CAO. No votes were taken.

Presented the Go Green Awards to the following winners:

  • Great Lakes Refill Co. – Business Stewardship (Small Business)
  • GFIVE INC. – Business Stewardship (Medium to Large Business)
  • Joe Hill – Eco-Warrior
  • Green Drinks Sarnia – Community Stewardship
  • Ms. Lemieux’s Grade 3/4 Class – High Park Public School – Sarnia’s Greenest Classroom

Held a public meeting and approved changes to the Zoning By-Law and granted “Approval in Principle” to Draft Plan of Subdivision which provides for the development of 87 single detached dwelling lots and a townhouse block, all fronting onto new proposed streets located on the south side of The Rapids Parkway.

Held a public meeting and approved changes to the Zoning By-Law to permit the conversion of an existing home for the aged and rest home space to “residential dwelling rooms” at Vision Nursing Home, 229 Wellington Street.

  • Added new definitions for “multiple occupancy building” and “dwelling room.”

Heard from the following delegations:

  1. Manjit Singh – Sitara Restaurant – Downtown Signage
  2. Joshua Walters – Grant Request for Mitton Village Event
  3. Lila Palychuk, Sarnia Pride and Transgender Association – Request to Fly Pride and Transgender Flags, Illumination of City Hall, and Pride Month Declaration
  4. Rev. Brad Morrison, Grace United Church – Proposal By Sarnia Pride and Transgender Association
  5. Natalie Andrews – Proposal By Sarnia Pride and Transgender Association
  6. Carol Moore – Proposal By Sarnia Pride and Transgender Association
  7. Jason McMichael, Sarnia & District Labour Council – Proposal By Sarnia Pride and Transgender Association
  8. Ryan Bell and Shirley de Silva – Proposal By Sarnia Pride and Transgender Association
  9. Elleke Belet – Proposal By Sarnia Pride and Transgender Association
  10. Crystal Fach, Sarnia Speaks – Proposal By Sarnia Pride and Transgender Association
  11. Ronee Capes – Women’s March Canada Sarnia-Lambton – Rainbow Crosswalks and Pride Month Declaration
  12. Matt Joosse, Lambton Public Health – Working Towards Inclusive Care for LGBTQ2IA Clients in Lambton County
  13. Alison McKinnon – Paper Bags for Yard Waste Collection
  14. Michelle Parks – Tampon Tuesday and Request for Menstrual Products in City Washrooms
  15. Gary Scandlan, Watson and Associates – Development Charges

Approved an amendment to the sign by-law to allow new businesses some exemptions for the first six months of business.

Resolved that paper bags for leaf/yard waste collection be instituted for the remainder of 2019 and evaluated with alternatives presented for the 2020 budget.

Directed staff to complete the following related to development charges:

  • Prepare a report on a grant program to cover the cost of development charges and other fees for non-profit organizations building affordable housing projects
  • Prepare a report on the feasibility of increasing the density of Development Area 2
  • Prepare the development charges by law for approval at the May 28, 2019 Council meeting with the new rates taking effect immediately after passage of that by-law
  • The current single detached residential development charge of $7,973 is proposed to increase to $13,600 citywide and $29,072 for the unserviced portion of Development Area 2

Accepted the Water Long-Range Financial Plan prepared by Watson & Associates Economists Ltd., which supports the financial viability of the City of Sarnia’s drinking water system.

Endorsed a Work Plan for the preparation of a Climate Change Adaptation Work Plan and directed staff to organize an interdepartmental staff working group to assist with the development of a climate change adaptation plan.

Approved various transfers to reserves based on 2018 surpluses.

  • The 2018 preliminary year-end operating results for all budgets combined is a surplus of $2,274,868, which represents 1.63% of the $139,596,680 combined budget.

Approves the proposal by Spectrum-Bearcom in the amount of $158,771 (including non-rebatable HST) for the supply and construction of one Radio Communications Tower at the Lambton College Industrial Training Centre.

Approved the engineering/design and structural repairs of Ferry Dock Hill to a maximum of $125,000 to be paid out of the Capital Reserve.

  • A thorough structural review of the building’s foundations and understructure are urgently required.

Approved in principle the grant application and required matching funds for the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program: Public Transit Stream Grant.

Approved an amendment to the Traffic and Parking By-Law to create dedicated on-street parking for tow trucks at the Sarnia Police Service Collision Reporting Centre through the use of a Commercial Loading Zone as follows:

  • to include a Commercial Loading Zone on the east side of Water Street 60 m south of Exmouth Street to 30m south;
  • Two Hour Parking Limit 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday on Water Street West Side 18 m south of Exmouth Street to 32 m south and West Side 15 m north of Nelson Street to 115 m north; and
  • No Parking Anytime to include Water Street west side 50m south of Exmouth Street to 130m north of Nelson Street.

Approved the following financial commitments:

  • Accepted the tender submitted by 1197245 Ontario Limited in the amount of $628,948 (including non-rebateable HST), for identified asphalt work on Christina Street;
  • Accepted the quote by Evoqua Water Technologies in the amount of $120,958 (including non-rebateable HST), for required polymeric chains for use at the Water Pollution Control Centre;
  • Accepted the proposal submitted by Darch Fire Inc. in the amount of $1,744,123 (including non-rebateable HST), for supply and delivery of a Fire Services Tower Apparatus; and
  • Authorized an additional $20,736 from the Sarnia Harbour Reserve to fund repairs with application of a tar and chip surface treatment to the north end of the Sydney Smith Dock area.

Awarded a Concession Services contract in Tecumseh Park to New York Dogs on Wheels for a one year term from June 1, 2019 to October 31, 2019 with a mutually agreeable option to renew for two more years (2020 and 2021) for a total payment over the three year term of $6,102 (including applicable HST).

Approved Traffic Calming Pilot Projects at the intersection of Indian Road and Errol Road; and at Kaymar Crescent.

  • Temporary traffic calming curbs will be installed to reduce the crossing distance and number of lanes to force traffic to drive slower, shorten the crossing distance for pedestrians, improve visibility of the crossing guard, and simplify the driver decision process.

Approved the following commitments related to Sarnia Public Library renovations:

  • Transferred the commitment from Lawrence House ramp to the Sarnia Library Accessibility project in an amount of $60,000;
  • committed $150,000 in additional funding for the Sarnia Library Accessibility Project from the Capital Reserve; and
  • Accepted the tender submitted by Maaten Construction in the amount of $335,248 (including non-rebateable HST), for construction of two universal washrooms on the 2nd floor and construction of the first floor main entrance changes and related works.

Resolved that the City of Sarnia show support for all members of our Community and the newly formed SPATA by:

  • Flying the pride and transgender flags during June at a non-City Hall location, specifically Centennial Park;
  • Recognizing June as Pride month in Sarnia; and
  • Using City Hall external lights to display rainbow colors during the month of June (if possible).

Directed staff to prepare a report to Council concerning the possible installation of five additional flag poles on City Hall property in the future to include a municipal flag, the flags of the three First Nations located in Lambton County, and a community flag pole to be used by various Community groups upon approval at specific times during the year.

Supported Bill C-262 and directed staff to send a letter to Senator Don Plett (Manitoba), the Opposition Whip, on behalf of Sarnia City Council, expressing support for Bill C-262 and urging all Senators to support the quick passage of Bill C-262.

Supported that the Mitton Village Event by subsidizing $1,119, or half of the total amount requested by the community group lead by Josh Walters, which covers the municipal fees for a total of $2238 for the following: Lot Closure Permit ($875), Road Closure Permit ($875), Building Permit (for tent rental) ($150), Noise Exemption Request Processing Fee ($125), Indemnity Agreement ($113), Public Notice Announcement ($100).

Directed staff to provide a costing report with dispensing options for free menstrual products (pads and tampons) in all public-facing City of Sarnia facilities.

  • Directed staff to explore the option of providing free menstrual products in all remaining City of Sarnia facilities, as a pilot project, and report back at a future meeting with respect to the costs associated.

Directed staff to invite Anthony Pizans of Infrastructure Ontario, Southwest Region, to the corporate priorities/asset management meeting on May 21, 2019.

Requested a report from staff on the Vendome Lot.

The next Regular Council Meeting will be held at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, May 27.