The City of Sarnia has launched its new website at the existing web address

The website features an enhanced user experience due to mobile friendly integration, AODA compatibility, improved digital customer service options, an easy-to-use search function, and a simple editor making updates and changes easy for staff, and ensuring timely information to residents.

A beta version of the new website was available from May 27 – June 30 which saw over 1,800 unique visitors, allowing users to test the site and provide feedback for staff to make improvements before launching the final version. The beta website was also featured at the Age-Friendly Expo and the Sarnia Tech Community.

“Our new website is open source, and free to use by other municipalities; this can help avoid duplication of effort. It supports modern features such as mobile devices, encryption, citizen engagement and much more,” explains Mark Dillon, Corporate Manager of Information Technology.

“The new, easy-to-use website features a universal navigation menu to help users intuitively get around the website and help the City effectively and efficiently serve residents and businesses online,” states Chris Carter, Chief Administrative Officer.