The City of Sarnia has launched a post-election survey. The survey is available online at and will also appear in local newspapers The Sarnia Observer, The Sarnia Journal, and Sarnia This Week.

Completed surveys must be received by the City Clerk’s Office by noon on January 29, 2019. The survey includes thirteen questions and takes about five minutes to complete.

“Residents and property owners are encouraged to complete the survey. Data from the survey will be used to prepare a report to City Council, and help councillors to decide on the voting method for the 2022 municipal election,” explains Dianne Gould-Brown, City Clerk.

The 2018 municipal and school board election in the City of Sarnia was held using internet and telephone voting only. A total of 48.9% of eligible voters voted in the 2018 election compared to 37.1% in 2014.