The Royal Canadian Legion Sarnia Branch 62 has donated $10,000 towards the Sarnia Arena revitalization fundraising campaign. This donation will fund a new sound system as part of the Sarnia Arena Revitalization Project. 

The Royal Canadian Legion Sarnia Branch 62 is a major supporter of the Sarnia Legionnaires hockey team who use the Sarnia Arena as their home.

According to Les Jones, 2nd Vice President of the Legion, their donation comes from proceeds of their highly successful Catch the Ace game.

“Staff would like to acknowledge and thank The Royal Canadian Legion, Sarnia Branch 62 for their generous commitment to the Sarnia community,” explains Rob Harwood.

“Approximately 75% of the arena revitalization has been completed. We’re in the home stretch of our fundraising and we are appealing to our residents for help in reaching our $491,667 goal,” states Rob Harwood.

About the Sarnia Arena Revitalization Project:

The Sarnia Arena Revitalization Project is a $491,667 fundraiser which aims to revitalize the historical elements of the facility, exceed AODA standards, improve energy efficiency, repair the façade and exterior, improve the lobby and concession, and upgrade washrooms and change rooms to ensure barrier-free access.

Donations are gratefully accepted online at and, or in person at Sarnia City Hall. Organizations wishing to discuss corporate donations are invited to contact Greg Burr directly.

Federal funding approved for this project is $491,667 or 33.3% of the project. Additional funds of $491,667 are to be raised through community fundraising, and $491,667 from the approved parks and recreation capital budget.

For more information on this community project please visit