In collaboration with the County of Lambton, temporary traffic calming curbs have been installed at the intersection of Indian Road and Errol Road. These concrete barriers are used to narrow the road to reduce speeds and shorten the crossing distance for pedestrians. They are a cost effective method for a pilot project before permanent road changes are considered.
The intersection of Indian Road and Errol Road is very complex due to the six lanes of traffic on Indian Road and the approach angle of Errol Road. The City regularly receives concerns about safety of the school crossing at this location. The Active and Safe Routes to School Program for Errol Road Public School identified this intersection as the major safety concern for children walking and biking to school.
City Staff recognize that this is a dramatic change to the intersection. The six lanes of traffic on Indian Road are not required for the volume of traffic. With the complexity of the intersection, the temporary curbs allow us to test out different solutions for this intersection. Staff will monitor the area and modify the temporary curbs as required. Staff will report back to Council after one year and provide recommendations for next steps.
The traffic calming curbs were created by the City of Calgary and won the Transportation Association of Canada’s 2019 Road Safety Engineering Award this September (