Rezoning Application 5-2019-85 of 2002 is submitted by Monteith Brown Planning Consultants, on behalf of the owner, Bright’s Grove Golf Club Inc.
The purpose of the application is to remove the holding zones from the property municipally known as 1992 Estella Street, which is located in Bright’s Grove, east of Thelma Avenue, west of Yonge Street and north of Cow Creek (See Area Map).
The holding zones were placed on the property by Council through By-law 56 of 2019 and they prohibit any development on the lands, including buildings or structures, until such time as the suffix (H) is removed. The removal of the (H) shall only occur when a Preliminary Servicing Report is submitted, which addresses stormwater quantity and quality to the satisfaction of the St. Clair Region Conservation Authority. The removal of the holding zone would allow for the developer to proceed with satisfying the conditions of Draft Plan of Subdivision SD2-2018 for 8 single detached dwelling lots and a condominium block for the development of 64 single detached dwellings (CD1-2018).
The applicant has submitted a Conceptual Servicing Summary to the City of Sarnia and St. Clair Region Conservation Authority (SCRCA) for review. Correspondence from the SCRCA indicates that this document appropriately addresses stormwater quantity and erosion control measures for the proposed development. They have indicated acceptance for the removal of the holding provision.
Based on the correspondence submitted from the SCRCA, the applicant has requested that Council remove the holding provisions on the subject lands. Council will consider the applicant’s request to pass a by-law to remove the holding provisions at their meeting on:
Monday, September 9, 2019
For more information about this application, contact Community Development Services and Standards, 3rd Floor, City Hall, anytime during business hours (Tel. 519 332-0330 Ext. 3344); forward E-mails to
Council agendas (with staff reports) are posted on the City’s website at or can be obtained from the Clerk’s Department, 2nd Floor City Hall, on Friday, September 6, 2019.
Dated August 3, 2019
Gould-Brown, City Clerk