Pre-application discussions are widely acknowledged as being beneficial to the development process; as they ensure both developers and City staff understand the requirements that exist in bringing forward a particular development proposal. Pre-Application consultation allows City staff to determine the specific reports, studies and information that is required to be submitted together with the application form, as part of a complete application package.

Pre-application consultation is mandatory* for Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-Law Amendments, Plans of Subdivision, Plan of Condominium or Site Plan applications. The process can also be used to facilitate other applications such as Committee of Adjustment applications (consent applications, minor variance, signage or part lot control) and Building Permits.

*The Pre-application consultation may be waived where it has been determined by staff that the nature of the application does not require pre-consultation. If the requirement for consultation is waived, the Director or his/her delegate will issue a Record of Pre Consultation, which may scope or waive the reports, studies, plans required to constitute a complete application.